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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 346 Newer› Newest»pls chris i need serial key for mini tool power recover software.
tnxs 4 visiting my blog
Chris baba please I need serial key for adobe photoshop CS3 nd CS6....
Chris please i need Norton 2013 anti virus activation code.
Try any of the keys below an let me knw
pls help me with connectify hotspot software license key
Email :
Serial: R67LZ2-6F4SFL-H99MHK-8DE821-1QT37X-1CSJ2S-B9ZXNG-5W4LE7-7FVE4U-W7BAE6-29C3BH-RV29KB-MJFW4M-Q37WR2-64BXBG-5K4RU3.
Dnt 4get to invite ur friends and also like my page
Bro the connectify hotspot software license key you gave me have expire ooo! It says it expired on 1/3/2013
ok try this
Email :
let me knw wen u try
PLS AM IN NEED OF xara web designer mx serial key
pls i need xara 3D marker v7 serial key
want is d major disadvantage of windows8 over window 7 pls b4 i go ahead
Name: Serial: X3D-9101-2462-1422
1) New layout may be a bit difficult for some people to get used to.
2) Very difficult to move between screens.
3) There is no option to turn tiles into icons.
4) No side apps can be run when we are using the apps.
5) The main disadvantage is lies in the working; the system is rebooting several times.
6) No antivirus for the windows 8 only windows firewall and internet security.
7) Apps works only in the full monitor by occupying the full face of the monitor.
8) Some programmes are not yet compatible with it, such as hardware drivers and some games.
Hope i hv been able to answer ur question..dnt 4get to like our facebook page.cheers
Dont forget to join site and like our facebook page
Pls I need key for DLL fixer.
please be specific on the DLL software, bcus DLL has different types of software. but try the below key and see
Name: Azrael [PC] S/N: vIa`d[:EE38
Chris u re doing agreat job. Pls I need internet download manager serial key or d crack of it. Thks
Pls I need Pc utility - optimizer key and registration
here is the link for ur IDM:
Appreciate us by liking our Facebook page.tnxs
Tnkx alot buddy..... Pls i nid window8 activation code
Tnkx alot buddy... Pls i nid window8 activation code
MAK (Multiple Activation Key
pls dnt 4get 2 invite urs friens here and also like our facebook page.tnxs
Chrisooooooo pls i need U/N and P/W for ESET NOD32 Antivirus thanks
Pls let me know ur version, but u can try this, this is for v8.1 user name:mido s/n:3F6C027E
pls i need avg internet security 2013 serial/key
sorry for the delay pls us4 this
username: EAV-27959223
password: f657a3jr3b
MAK (Multiple Activation Key
Thanks Baba Chris, None of these keys worked for Norton 2013 Antivirus. Maybe you can still try further.
Thanks for your quick action
Baba Chris, none of the product keys given above for Norton 2013 antivirus worked. Is there any solution yet?.
Awaiting your response.
please be patient, Norton 2013 is hard to crack.tnxs
baba chris? pls i need a licence key for pc health advisor 3.0. tanx sir
Emmanuel if u mean "ParetoLogic PC Health Advisor v3". Then use this key: 55555-99999-66666-55555
I really like this blog...keep it up bro.
Tnxs alot pal..wit u & God on my side, i will do more..
need manycam studio pro code for activate baba abeg help me
baba e nor work see wtite e tell em baba
License code invalid. Please be sure to not leave any spaces before or after the code. Contact our helpdesk or purchase a new code.
Am wrking on it, wil re upload in some minutes
Thanks for ur patience, ur requested file has been uploaded successfully please visit this link to download and enjoy.
Click here
Dont forget to like our facebook page tnxs.
pls i need a licence key for PCPerformer 2013
Use this. Serial key:- oohenf-jxadte-44v8zx-zx7761
Pls i nid serial number for internet download manager.
@Anonymous,do u want just the serial number for IDM or u want the crack? if its the crack you want then click here IDM CRACK
Nice work chris, keep it up.
chris pls i nid smadav 2010 username nd password
i mean 2012
Chris please I need Registry Reviver serial key. Thnks
Here is your request for Registry Reviver Click here
Dnt forget to like our FB page.
@Kiddym here is your Smadav2012, just Click here
Dnt forget to like our FB page.
adobe photoshop CS3: 1330-1372-9699-0991-7825-8608
while for adobe photoshop cs6 download this keygen Click here
Chris,mediafire sie says they have blocked the file for violation(whatever that means),pls can you copy and paste the serial key here? Tnx a lot bro.
its not just the serial key, its a crack. I have re-uploaded it From here
Hi Chris
I need a serial for ACP from DC3 available here
@Anonymous be more specific on your request, give me details abt the software and not where i can download the software, e.g give me its full name.Tnxs
The full name is: ACP Observatory Control Software version 7.0 (or 6.0) from DC3 (
hello, pls i need activation code for winsnap.
Here is the Patch for Winsnap Click here to download.
Dont forget to like our Facebook page.
please i need activation code for internet download manager
@Anonymous download this patch and use, you can also use it for any IDM version Click here
please always appreciate by liking my Facebook page
pls, i need an activation code for AVG 2013 and microsoft office 2013. Thanks
@Anonymous, i had already made a post on the AVG Internet security 2013 Click here to see.
As for the Microsoft office 2013 try any of these keys
Dnt forget to visit my Facebook page.
Pls i nid windows 7 ultimake service pack 1 license key
This Windows 7 Ultimate OEM-SLP product key, 22TKD-F8XX6-YG69F-9M66D-PMJBM, can be used to activate installed Windows 7 Ultimate system, as well as install an unactivated Windows 7 Ultimate systems. This is a master key and can be used to activate other OEM branded installations, like ones from Dell, HP or indeed Lenovo.
i have insult it the AVG antivirus 2013 already i just need the activation code.
Yes i knw, the activation code is also on that page you read.
pls, can i get window 7 ultimate from you sir.
@Anonymous u mean the installation file itself??
pls i nid windows 7 ultimate key for service pack 1
pls i nid advanced system optimizer 3.5.1000.14990 key
not working pls
My friend you don't need only a serial key, u need to make use of an activator Click here to download windows7 activator for all versions. Dnt forget to appreciate by liking my Facebook page.
Tanxs man
I have replied to that above.
@Anonymous, i have uploaded the patch for you, just Click here to download and enjoy.
Dont forget to like my Facebook page.
i need a key for IVT BlueSoleil 10.0.417.0
chris please can you help me to get a good bookmarking software like bookmarking demon or clyde social bookmarking bomber. and also a directory submission software.. we can discuss terms if you can get them for me...
reach me with this number 08037768685
@Anonymous, download full version with crack from Here.Thanks for coming around
Check your mail, i have replied you on this.
Yes sir i mean installation itself for window 7 Ultimate and Microsoft office 2013. Thanks
pls, is their any way to download torrent file with internet download manager or any other download manager.
@Anonymous it's not possible to download a torrent file with idm, but if you really want to then u can use This site and convert the file to a normal file then download with IDM.
Click here to download windows 7 ultimate NOTE: its in torrent.
@Adegboyega I have answered this IDM request already, but i will still answer it again because you kept to the instruction by requesting with your name,Click here and download this software for your IDM. enjoy
Chris I really appreciate your effort in your assistance. I have downloaded thecrack file but I noticed its a 32bit version,my laptop runs on a 64bit windows,would the crack still work on it? Tnx
Chris I have installed and run the crack you sent to me,although it was a 32bit version but it installed smoothly on my Laptop. I really really appreciate and may God continue to bless you.
Can I get the key for winzip? Tnx
Amen & Amen..Thnks and dont forget to like my facebook page.
This is for v8.1 username:mido s/n:3F6C027E
Oops!! It didnt work..the version I have on my Laptop is the newer version,I think v17.1
Can you get me the key of this newer version? Tnx for all your good works.
dude i want name and license key for pc utilities pro driver pro.....its very urgent,plz make it soon...:)
ok make use of this key Generator Click here
Bro..I hope we are not weighing u down wit our countless requests. The Lord is your strength though. Do you by anyway have the serial key for Microsoft 2010,Norton antivirus v18.7.2.3 and Glary software utilities v2.54.0.1759?
Tnx in anticipation for your reply.
The key generator for the Winzip refuses to open saying its not compatible with my 62bit OS.
pls itz nt downloading dat file it z downloading nc downloader
pls d patch z nt working
chris please help me with keygen or patch for VaxVoip SIP User Agent SDK v 3.1 (
It has been pasted below
please try this serial and give me feedback
Serial: 8Y33B-6HPH7-9L341-M61RS
hmmmm 64bit selects softwares alot. This is the license for Microsoft Office 2010 32bit (standard)
Try and give me feddback
Disable internet connection before inserting key...!
Name: Cracked by iraq_att
Key: DF12
OR download this patch
its say provided license key is not valid!
Chris can you check SusProg3D?
pls i nid any bluetooth driver and its key for my pc-windows 7 ultimate, 32 bits system
@Anonymous please request with your name, i have mentioned that before.
@Ayosco please check google for a specific bluetooth driver for your system and Click here to download windows 7 activator.
@Ayosco, you are clicking an advert, please click the correct download button on the download page, sorry for the inconvenience.
@Ayosco am so sorry if its not working for you, but before i upload any crack or keygen i must test and confirm it first, so try and let me know where exactly it dint work.
@Anonymous please check the "PC FORUM" section i uploaded it there.tnxs
user name: kanenas
key code: 67E6A2F3-56FE44-7585BFE0-3BAD5
The Microsoft key did not work..says its not a valid key for the version.
Can you give me the keys for Norton antivirus v18.7.2.3 and Glary software utilities v2.54.0.1759?
Tnx in anticipation.
i dont knw hw 2 use d patch i downloaded.wen i clicked on patch, it did nt supply any key 2 my software neither did d software become registered
pls why dont u just give me the serial key or d patch 4 only d key and nt d whole file.d whole size z much 66.9mb
@allinonebizpackage,This is the key for your Glary software utilities v2.54.0.1759 request
@allinonebizpackage, specify the exact version of your Microsoft word 2010. you dint specify that for me earlier.
@Ayosco, for being a frequent visitor i have uploaded only the keys for you Click here to download.
@kanenas please request for your file, am sorry but i still dont understand your request.
I need TheSkyX Professional 10.x for PC, from Software Bisque
@Anonymous, please i made it clear that before you request for any key or serial, you should not request as an Anonymous.tnxs
I need TheSkyX Professional 10.x for PC, from Software Bisque
@Jeff you need the software or the serial, which?
Hi Chris,
If possible, I would like the software
@Jeff, ok then goto this site and confirm if thats the software u want.
Hi, can you give me key for WarpDisk 1.2.36 please?
Hi Chris,
Yes, it's the good one. (TheskyX professional Edition) But I can't find a working download link on this page :(
I need serial for NetTV plus PC player ( and Evalaze 2.1 (, if possible.
Hi Jeff,
Good to have you around again, i have gotten another good site where you can download the software you requested for. Click here
Hi Tom,
Thanks for coming around, am so sorry but for now i am yet to come across your Requested serial, but just keep your fingers crossed while i still search and if anything comes up, i will post here immediately.
If you cant find serial, crack or something else, can you tell me is there any software that can stop trial version from expiring(something like Cracklock)?
hi i need the crack of cproxy ,pdproxy and tunnelguru
Chris i looking for a bookmarking software like the other post, Could you help me with this? Thanks
hi chris, could u give the link to download Autocad 2013 full version with serials
Chris, can u stiil help me ?
thanks for your help...
@Anonymous, please stick to the rules. Request with a name or profile.thanks
Hi Admin Can you PLEASE crack Antenna Magus 4.3 Professional? The software can be downloaded from here:
And requires a license file (secmagus.dat) to run. It should be easy for you. THANK YOU!
pls admin i would like the key for nero 12 platinum cracks are not working
Thanks Chris,
Unfortunately, This version is the "student" edition, but I need the "professional" edition :(
@Chibike try this. lets get to know if any worked
key- 901E-018M-15P7-825K-U235-TAP6-2094-4CCZ
key- 901E-0190-XL1C-8PML-7P7Z-8H70-CL4Z-X129
@Anonymous, This is hilarious, where did u get to hear that tunnel guru have a crack?
@Tom, please amnot aware of any at the moment.tanxs
@Jeff, ok check this SITE if its what you want.
@Alfine, am really sorry but i could not find your request, please bear with me.Thanks
@Rob Seo, have you tried checking google?
@Anonymous please request with a name or profile..tanxs
Hi Chris,
Yes, this is exactly the version I'm looking for...but this is the "official" download link from the company(Bisque) and it ask for a username and password to download the software
Jeff Harnold
Is Antenna Magus uncrackable?
Chris..may your daysis b LONGER...the Glary soft keys worked.Tnx a zillion. As for the Microsoft 2010,I dont understand what you mean by the exact version,pls elaborate.
Do you have the reg keys for ICARE DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE?
@allinonebizpackage, Amen & amen..Tnxs Please appreciate by liking my facebook page and inviting ur friends .As for Microsoft 2010 Try this key
Office 2010 Standard version -V7QKV-4XVVR-XYV4D-F7DFM-8R6BM
@MagusAnt, For now i dont think it is.tnxs
The keys still wouldn't work..anyways I'll make do with the 2007 I'm already using. Have you gotten the keys for ICARE DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE? or for TENOSHARE DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE??
Hi can you help me to find the serial of a nettv_player_pc_v400 program plees help me.
Thank you!
@Anonymous, please Request with a name or profile.Tnxs
@allinonebizpackage, here is the link you requested for.Click here to download TENOSHARE DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE Full version.tnxs
Hi, Can you crack FWSim Pro Beta version? Beta version. There are 4 hours limits and other limitations in the trial version.
Thank You!
hi i can you please give me a crack or serial or keygen for the software "trakAx pc" i have version 3.0.193
or if you have anything for version 4.02.4(the new software)
i will appreciate it a lot
tanks a lot!!
please I need key warpdisk
pls can i get a suitable bluetooth driver for my RLG pc. i av tried google but i av ny cin any 1.kindly help,pls.....tanx
Hi plotter,
sorry for the slight delay,Click here to download FWSim Pro full version.Thanks
@Anonymous request with a name or profile.
please I need key warpdisk
chris please help me I really need a key to warpdisk thanks in advance ....
Yes thank you, but I must have the newer version of FWSim Pro! The Beta version of FWSim, on I had this version before. Can you crack the beta version? Or can't you crack? Thank You!
Hi plotter,
I dont really know much about the new version, so you will have to make do with the old version.thks
Sorry i have not been around, just got bk, whats the full meaning of RLG
Edin am really sorry for the delay in response, i have nt been around, but i could nt lay my hand on any key for warpdisk, is there no substitute to that software? i mean cant u use another software in place of it?
okay though thanks I'll find some other software ...
chris pls can you help out with the activation key of corel draw X6
ok edin
Adilieme Click here and download this keygen for your coral draw x6. If you dont know how to use the keygen, just let me know after you download it.
chris pls help wt Wcafee antivirus key abeg
SORRY i mean McAfee 2013 anti virus key God bless u
Tnx chris, I've downloaded it,but I need help on how to use it.
How to Install:-
1) Disable your antivirus and internet connection.
2) Install Corel Draw X6. Enter the serial number which is derived keygen. (Keygen not in close first).
3) When the installation is complete, and asked for activation, click the "Other activation options".
4) Select the "Phone Corel". Enter the "installation code" that is given to the form Corel Draw X6 instalation code in the keygen.
5) It will produce "activation code". Copy the activation code to the form of activation Corel Draw X6.
6) Done, now you CorelDraw X6 have full version ..!
"is there no substitute to that software". That is only software which improved my boot time from 40 to around 25 seconds
Only software with similar option is BootCooler 2 but it didnt work for me
can you crack "FilePop" Ultimate please thanks
Please I dont respond to Anonymous Request. Request with a profile.
Hello All,
Please help with full version of excel image assistant and serial for techsrl easy catalog.
Rajasthan, INDIA
Can you pleas crack a software for me called "FilePop" Ultimate or Platinum .. Please Thank you very much
Click here and download the file you requested for.Tanxs
Thank you so much Chris but it says "no more activations allowed with this product key"
i liked your facebook page :P
Click here and download v5.0.1.8 and please uninstall your own version and install this version before you use the key thanks.
Here is your download link Click here and download tMcAfee 2013 Activator.
can you provide serial key for Internet Download Manager
I have already answered this request, please just take your time and scroll up, you will see it.thanks
Hi Chris thanks for replying, the link you provided is not opening without registering. I have already tried to put a serial key and from that time it is showing Fake serial key. Please if possible provide me the key to access the IDM.
@vipin, there is nothing wrong with the above link, in any case here is the link Click here and download this patch.
Hi Kapil,
Thanks for dropping by, am sorry i could not lay my hand on any serial for your request.thnks
hi i can you please give me a crack or serial or keygen for the software "trakAx pc" i have version 3.0.193
or if you have anything for version 4.02.4(the new software)
i will appreciate it a lot
tanks a lot!!
Hi Daniel try this key
Serial: 7LZ6-454L-4VL0-RJ4L-4B2T
boss i see no McAfee key in d link u said i shuld check.... pls help me na
Hi I Want Crack For Software Called Cpac Perfect pro v5.6
kenneth let me the exact problem, is it that you are not able to download the file or when you download the file, you cant find the serial?
ogami, i don like ur fb page o, and i want u to help moi.... all i want is windows vista cracker....wanna activate my windows
Oyero Click here to download the windows vista cracker. Dont forget to invite your friends here.thanks
OYERO Click here to download the windows vista activator. dont forget to invite your friends.Thanks
broda my problem is dat am using McAfee antivirus but is expearing 2 days time. so dey said i shuld buy d key.............. pls help me chris
I know and i have uploaded the software which will give you the key, all you have to do is download it from the link above.
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