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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

GLO-NG Free Browsing with Tunnel Guru

Dear followers, am happy to inform you that our Beloved VPN service TUNNEL GURU is back again and this time blazing with glo Nigeria on pc with 0.0kobo on sim card, no GLO subscription needed, only Tunnel Guru subscription. Without wasting much time i will give you the simple steps and screenshots on how it works.                                              ...

Monday, July 29, 2013

Android Not Getting 3G Or Edge Network? Try This

Hello readers,Many of us get to notice that our android smartphones are not getting 3G networks nor Edge even. This makes browsing really difficult and annoying because we are not able to browse well or at all even.If you bought the phone from a near by store, you can return it to the sellers and request something should be done about it but if you can't return it again because you probably bought it from a far place, then don't worry because this post is for your.Friends, I just...

How To Get 240MB For N200 Valid For One Week

How To Get 240MB For N200 Valid For One Week Hello readers,Airtel seems to be the network provider in Nigeria that has given us a lot of "freebies''!Its just a pity that Airtel is not really strong everywhere but this one will be for those that have good airtel network in their locations.Now, you can get 240 MB Airtel data bundle with just the sum of N200 but it is meant to last for just 3 days or there about.For some reasons best known to persons that don't do heavy browsing,...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

White girl dancing P-Square personally

Dear NI followers, came across this Hilarious video and felt i upload, so you all can watch too. watch video below Lets have your views....between the Black girl & the white girl who killed it???????? Dont forget to LIKE our Facebook page for more updates ...

Saturday, July 27, 2013


MTN sent a message to me and it goes like this; "Yello Surprise! Activate Blackberry monthly or weekly service and get 20% discount instantly. Offer valid till August 1st".  Note:- This is just a bonanza that will expire by August 1st 2013. In other words, it means that you can now activate BBC one month plan for #800 instead of #1000. Very soon, we will get another text “That you can now activate BIS for N200”  I was just wondering what telecommunication will become...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

MTN, GLO, ETISALAT and AIRTEL Blackberry Plans/ Subscription codes

This is the full list of MTN, GLO, ETISALAT and AIRTEL Blackberry plans and their subscription codes with codes on how to check your blackberry plans status and remaining data where applicable. The list also shows the data allocated to each Blackberry Plans. MTN Nigeria Blackberry Plan codes BB PLANNEW PRICEVALIDITYSEND KEYWORD TO 21600 BB ABSOLUTE PLAN N1, 500MonthlyBIS N599WeeklyBBWEEK N120DailyBBDAY BB COMPLETE PLAN N1000MonthlyBBC N499WeeklyBBCWEEK N100DailyBBCDAY To check subscription...

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